Organised by the Governance and Regulation Chair.

"Corporate Culture and Organizational Fragility" by Mathieu Leduc (Paris School of Economics) joint with Matthew Elliott (Cambridge) and Benjamin Golub (Northwestern)

Mardi 10 octobre 2023
12h15 - 13h30
A 409 - Université Paris Dauphine

Mathieu Leduc

Corporate Culture and Organizational Fragility

Joint with Matthew Elliott (Cambridge) and Benjamin Golub (Northwestern)

Complex organizations accomplish tasks through many steps of collaboration among workers. Corporate culture supports collaborations by establishing norms and reducing misunderstandings. Because a strong corporate culture relies on costly, voluntary investments by many workers, we model it as an organizational public good, subject to standard free-riding problems, which become severe in large organizations. Our main finding is that voluntary contributions to culture can nevertheless be sustained, because an organization’s equilibrium productivity is endogenously highly sensitive to individual contributions. However, the completion of complex tasks is then necessarily fragile to small shocks that damage the organization’s culture.

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