Electricity prices have reached new historical highs in the past months, leading a range of policy makers to question the current organisation of power markets in Europe. The crisis has revived the tension between the different dimensions shaping European energy policy – namely the climate agenda, but also competitiveness and affordability issues, as well as security of supply.
This background casts a new light on some of the academic research on electricity market design and the supporting set of regulations that is ongoing at the Chaire European Electricity Markets (CEEM) and elsewhere. Whilst the debate on the necessary evolutions of the current European market model largely predates the current crisis, the objective of this conference will be to discuss the implications of some of the ongoing research and its relevance for the new energy realities that are shaping up.
The conference will be divided in three main sections, which correspond to some of the active research areas at the CEEM. Each section will organise discussion between CEEM researchers and invited academic experts.
A market design to deliver the different policy objectives shaping European policy towards decarbonisation requires both efficient coordination signals in the short term for system operation and in the long term to ensure optimal investment decisions. An invited lecture on new perspectives in electricity market research will initiate the afternoon session. The conference will be concluded by a roundtable that will bring together CEEM partners and the keynote speakers.
The workshop organised by the CEEM will bring together in a hybrid format with both physical participation in Dauphine university and a virtual connection electricity markets practitioner, and academic researchers to discuss these issues.

IMPORTANT : this in-person conference is also held online on Teams. 


Mardi 1 mars 2022
Salle Raymond Aron, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL